Saturday 26 December 2015


By Hplar Bearmdore and other suitable mis-spelligns

I can see clearly now the cow has gone. As clearly as if looking through 8 feet of ice, but that is still an improvement. The space inside my head is expanding daily to accommodate all the stuff that I hoard in there, but it still gets lonely at night. I should invent some friends really, but when I do I keep falling out with them, they're idiots! I wanted a paradox but kept contradicting myself. In the end I fell out with me and we are still not talking. I have been told that I live my life on an alternate plane. I told them I don't like flying except in my dreams. In my dreams I can twist the space-time continuum and make into pretty patterns that no-one else can see. A bit like the 'aurora borealis'.

I got this letter, it might even be for me, it is mine now anyhow -

Please come to my party in Edinburg, it is on the 34st of Octember 0x7DF, dress casual but not offensive, bring a friend. Bring a stranger if you like, but learn their name before you get here. There will be the usual attractions, The binary people who will be there in 1's and 10's, the indecisive twins may be there, or not, they can't make their mind up. Bring a pet, I like cats, but I can't manage a whole one. Bring a drink, but nothing that contains water as I hate getting wet. Feel free to help yourself to chocliate. There will be an Ambliance stand by in case of emergent. We do not know what time it will end as no clocks are allowed.

Your faithfully,
Nathaniel Westminster
Nat West to my friends.

I did go, only to find out that it was my Psychiatrist's appointment. I mean her appointment that I had picked up by mistake. She missed out on that one, but they want me to go next time, or sooner if physically possible. Anything is possible really, but maybe not in the real world. The real world seems really silly at times. Laugh, Oh! How we laughed! Miracles happen every day, it is just we who have closed our minds to them. For my next trick I am going to move to an alternate dimension, maybe permanently, that depends on the wallpaper.

It is hard to hold on to reality when you are not sure what it really looks like. After all life is just and illusion and the players are random organisation of molecules made to resemble people. My friend's name is Teresa Green. I have told her they are not, leaves are green, trees are brown but she doesn't agree. Words are funny like that, how can something in black and white have so much colour and depth. When my words made sense I was confused as I was the only one who could understand them, now I am not even sure about that.

The thing that makes me really happy is words, some have deliciously rounded meanings, others quite pointy letters, and some are really naughty like **** and ****, but the ******* would not let me put them in so you will have to use your imagination if you give a ******* about them.

I am going now as I feel the edge of a page approaching. I neither want to fall over that or any other grammatical disasters or badly written Daedalean symphonies. I will finish talking to you as soon as I get to the end of

Wednesday 22 April 2015

My First Principles -This is the code by which I live my life

My First Principles
This is the code by which I live my life

~~ Someone said my poetry was a bit heavy, (thanks for being honest) ~~
~~ Well the heavy part of my life is in the past. I hope this is more inspirational ~~

I have lived this life for more than fifty years and I hope to live for fifty more
But do I want to live forever? That would be greedy wouldn't it?
I have spent half my life abusing my body and mind
I will spend the rest trying to restore it to some kind of order

I believe all people are equal regardless of colour, race, religion, status, gender, sexuality, status, looks
We are all human here and all on one planet
We have been given the Earth to be our wonderful home,you only get one so do not screw it up
You can't take it back and get another when its knackered!

I believe that we should not hunt any animal for fun even under the banner of sport
A rich man is not automatically happier than a poor man, nor is he any better
Often the opposite is true as a poor man appreciates what little he has and be willing to share it
I do not know how to hate anyone, but you may cease to be my friend if you try hard enough

I will never cause harm to any person or animal intentionally
Yes I do eat some meat, but animals eat each other
I eat about a third of the meat that the average man does
I would never kill any living thing especially for entertainment, not even a fly or spider

Nature has survived for billions of years without us meddling
if a species is designed to go extinct, it will
That is the way of nature on mother Earth
If a species is meant to succeed, it will, many have despite our best efforts to destroy them

All things are cyclical. Everything has a natural rhythm and will re-appear
This is happening now with plants from thousands of years ago
Evolution does not tell the full story or there would be mutant human and monkey skeletons for us to discover

It is wrong to save cute animals and kill badgers, beavers, rabbits and whales
They are just as much part of nature too
We all sometimes say things we do not mean, and do things that we should not do
This is not a reason to judge people or believe that they cannot change

I do not believe that it is the end when we die, I believe that the spirit carries on
I believe that there is inherently good in all people, we all desire to survive and thrive
I do not believe that we are to judged by anyone but ourselves, ever
I have no hatred for any person or animal, only love

I feel that there is a common consciousness that we all have access to
I believe there is other intelligent life in the universe, possibly on Earth too
All you have to do is listen
We should open our minds as well as our eyes and hearts

I believe that all our lives are guided by a conscious force, it could be the creator or guardian angels
I have heard them when I needed to and listened
We should all listen more especially to intuition and voices in our heads
But listen with care and not with intent for greed or lust

Some people in life need help, not punishment, more than anything else they just need someone to listen and not abuse them
We can't all be perfect  all the time, some of us are good at imperfection and loved for it
It is Okay to have to ask someone for help sometimes in your life
Mine has been turned around by people and many are now my very good friends - thank you!

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Monday 29 December 2014

The Invisible Hero

I am the invisible hero, the one they cannot beat
Donning breeches and doublet we join forces
to stand as the kings cavaliers, we will drive
Bonnie Prince back to the Scots after just three hours

I am the invisible hero, the one kids avoid
skulking into mischief around the pool
they sink to the depths till they run out of breath
Then I dive in and bring them back from danger

I am the invisible hero, the one they did not need
they changed the rules, tried to make us look fools
Said they did not need me any longer, no pay
That cut like a knife, no for them reason for strife

I am the invisible hero, who helps others to draw
With charcoal and brown paper, feathers and leather
I show others how easy it is to create a scene
It's so peaceful to scribe and bring memories back to life

I am the invisible hero, who got dealt a bitter stroke
A surprise I'll tell you, slowed me down, made me weak
Took me on a journey, I did not want to complete
But I battled that devil, I wont accept his defeat

I am the invisible hero, I don't make much noise
Sat in the corner, talking to friends, sketching away
But when you need a friend to fight alongside
I'll spring straight into action and help save the day

For my hero and very dear friend Dave Morley

On The Street

See that guy sitting there on the edge of street
begging for spare change, something to eat
People shying away too embarrassed to look
Pretending that they really don't give a – damn

Its easy to judge, why would he let himself end up like that,
not looking shabby, maybe needing a bath, a change, a meal
He's more embarrassed than you are, remembers it well
He knows the reason that he sent himself to hell

The shouts and accusations, the things you can't take back
the months of anguish and silent moments you wish you knew
how it would end, before it was too late, no help offered
No advice given, till its too late, pack your bags mate

Situation untenable, home no longer yours, take off
where to go, how to cope, oh look it's snowing!
November not kind, will anyone care, how do I do this
Live the next minute or hour, let alone a day

Not short of money, that's not the big issue, what you looking at
Too smartly dressed to sit in a doorway, nursing a holdall
Is he drunk or on drugs, been stealing or dealing
Now who's ashamed to look me in the eye comrade?

You can shelter tonight, have hot food sleep till morning
be out by eight, we can't be reponsible for you here
Don't come back till eleven and don't be drunk or drugged
You're in the corner on the floor try not to get mugged

Hug myself to sleep in a daze, dream of warmth and comforts
so far away now, a woman to cuddle and share the thought
Need a shower, not today, you have to be booked in
Maybe Wednesday, or Thursday, if we can fit you in

Despair becomes normal, a state of mind frozen in
just like my bones, am I getting that old already
Think of others in far places, always one worse off than me
They cope with horrors while we fight about bills

Don't know about God or a guardian angel
my phone rings, got you a place, better than the street
Share with some others, a hostel, warm and safe
Get your head together, it all happens so fast

Many more steps, I had to take. Watched over somehow
People work to help me sort out my life, I'm helpless
Trust these strangers, mind your valuables, clean your plate
Dont get too cosy, its just for a while, always changing

Don't worry mate, it does get better, despite what you think
How would you know? Well that was me for a while
Have some change get some food and smile, because
There is a light at the end of the tunnel cos I found it....

Who am I ?

Don't care for hate or envy, they take my energy away,
Can't abide intolerance, I am sure that we are all equal.
Try not to hurt people or animals, I'll help when I can,
Ache to see you smile and succeed, so that I can smile too.

Listen to what you have to say, even when you scream or shout,
I am not immune to not being heard, and often misunderstood.
Don't care how you dress, how much money you have,
What music you listen to, or food you eat, how you express your faith.

A woman, a man, makes no odds both just as impressive,
They are equally capable of winning a hard challenge.
Whether I see you once a year or everyday you're still my friend,
Won't talk behind your back, or take your reputation for my own.

Learn from your mistakes, don't bring them along for the ride,
treat others well no matter what they've said and done.
Spread no nasty rumours, or talk behind others backs,
Protect each other or be prepared to pay a big price

Pray to stop wars, cure diseases, feed the world, stop poverty,
Home those on the streets, don't judge till you have tried that.
Lets all work together, give each one of us a chance to shine,
And teach and encourage them to be the best that they can be.

We are all one family, fragile and mortal at the end of the day,
Don't waste mother earth and the things that she gave away.
There is a thing we all need today, not an instant cure, but a hope,
If you can be who I am too, there's plenty for all, for I am love.

What a life

Mums with six kids fighting for attention,
people drinking lager on the street for breakfast
what you looking at, can you spare some change
I wish I could afford to drink, maybe next time

A girl on a bike, tweeting, drinking coffee as she rides
got a kid on the crossbar, last time she looked anyway.
Heroine addicts queuing up for their Methodone,
kill or cure, that's what the man said, both numb the pain

Got no food, too expensive, with mobile and Sky,
Want a holiday soon, is it too much to expect to fly?
Drive too fast not enough time, too much traffic for me
Have to work for the man, pay the mortgage you see

Don't want reality, I'll watch some TV instead,
try to get on X-Factor make a fortune from mugs
I'll be a big star, famous for nothing but being glossy
Be a Kardashian, marry some rapper, get a big house

Buy more cars, more jewellery, get my boobs done,
sell out to the press, get my fifteen minutes extended
End up in rehab, maybe write my biography while there
Who know I might live long enough, to make a change

See the values I must have missed the first time around
make some real friends, give something 'stead of asking
I could help someone when they hold out a hand
believe in something more solid than the pound

Not judge so fast, make less comparison, to imagine
that perfection is something you can order on Harley St
The best thing about myself is that I can change
what I believe in, see the world differently, I hope

It's all clearer now, without going to Specsavers
that the things I should value are called friends
Who cared even when I didn't listen to them speak
and welcome me back with smiles and hugs

What a life!